Love, Give, Learn, part 2. A summary of 2014

Some years are more special than others. Some years are ones you can’t wait to forget. On my deathbed, which I now can feel better about not happening anytime soon (fingers crossed), I will remember 2014. 2014 was the year of the horse on the Chinese calendar. And quite frankly, I rode this year like aContinue reading “Love, Give, Learn, part 2. A summary of 2014”

Space and Time

The above quote is from David Foster Wallace’s 2005 Commencement Speech now famously referred to as This is Water. The video clip is from ‘I ❤ Huckabees.’ Fantastic scene.  Who the hell knows really, when or what is going on as what we term ‘time’ or ‘space’ seem to move or change during this energy flow weContinue reading “Space and Time”